Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A children's story

I have to write a children's story for art class, here's what I was thinking.

Once upon a time, there was a princess who was trapped in a tower by her father, the king. She was kept watched by a huge, fire-breathing dragon.

There was a prince, whose mother wanted him to settle down with a nice princess.

Well this is the part where the prince slays the dragon, and marries the beautiful princess and they live happily ever after, right kids?


The King didn't lock the princess up because he's afraid of her marrying and him losing his throne, on the contrary, he wants very much to retire and keeps portraits of Hawaii under his ever so ancient bed. He keeps the princess locked up by his best friend, the dragon, because she has the tendency to murder villagers and keep them in her basement. Also, the prince is gay, and much too busy frolicking with the other princes to care very much about what his mother tells him one way or the other.

The moral of this story kids: Nothing is always like it seems.

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