Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alice in Wonderland.

I went to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. ( Yes, for those of you who know me really well and are thinking did she dress up, yes I did. I wore my newest Alice dress and I'm proud of it.) I know I haven't been on that much lately, and I think I've figured out why.

The problem with blogging is that you blog when you can, and so when everything's slow you have time for a lot of blogs. Well, when things are actually going on it's harder to find time to blog about it, but those are the things everybody wants to hear about. So I don't know.

I'll try to blog a little more even when I do have a life ( which happens so often....... * INTERNET SARCASM* ).

So everything really exciting that I have planned for about the entire year is happening in the next couple of months. Blink182's new album is coming out, I'm getting my lip pierced. Then I go to an Angels and Airwaves concert ( hell yeah! ) and then I get to start driver's classes. I'm glad I have these things to look forward to because for the past two weeks, my school days have been boring beyond belief, more so than usual.

That's about it for this blog, go see Alice in Wonderland, it's really good. The only thing is even though all the characters are there and the plot is really good, when you leave you don't get the impression that you just saw Alice in Wonderland, which I think is kind of sad. But still, it's a great movie and it is definitely worth seeing in theater if you have the chance.

I hope everybody has an exciting weekend, I probably won't.

1 comment:


    And now, Old Spice commercials:

    Part 1:

    Part 2:
