Twilight Drinking Game....
~ The Rules ~....
In the ever-lasting debate between Twilight people and anti-twilight people, you would be right in guessing that I, as the creator of this wonderful game, fall on the side of anti-twilight. However, this does not mean, nor will it ever mean that I have always hated Twilight or that I am “ignorant of the Twilight Saga.” A lot of people claim that I only hate Twilight because I do not really know it. I would like anyone who feels that way after witnessing this game to know that if they saw my room, they would find…....
· Copies of New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, each read twice sitting neatly side by side in order.....
· A blank space in front of that on my shelf where my thoroughly read copy of Twilight used to sit until it was stolen by a dear friend ( Yes Maddy, I do still want my book back) ....
· A much watched copy of the Twilight movie....
· The first complimentary Twilight Journal....
· A space where I hope to put the new complimentary Twilight Journals one day in the far off future.....
So, when it comes to the Twilight series, I am not ignorant, just disapproving. ....
Thank you, and enjoy.....
Drink Whenever…....
· A new character is introduced that they did an awful job casting wither for looks or just for acting ability FAILURE. (So whenever they introduce a new character you need to drink except for… Alice Cullen, Jacob Black, Jessica Something and the waitress.)....
· Robert Pansiboy acts afraid of Bella when he is supposed to be portraying a completely different emotion ( love, hate, disgust, anything besides fear)....
· Kristen Stewart says something that was supposed to be full of emotion and it sounds like a robot said it. ....
· Robert Pansiboy says something with a weird half accent that makes him sound retarded ( and I’m not making fun or trying to be politically incorrect, I did in fact mean Mentally incapable)....
· Kristen Stewart pauses so often it’s not only like she forgot a line, but in fact never read the script.....
· They can’t edit it together to make it look like Kristen Stewart read the script.....
· Something sparkles that shouldn’t.....
· Something fails epically at sparkling even though it still shouldn’t.....
· Something is supposed to be moving at super speed but the special effects guy was out, so instead it looks like you’ve fallen into a lesser version of the Twilight zone. Twilight… without the zone ( drink for the bad pun)....
· Somebody’s talking to Bella and she’s too busy staring at Edward to notice.....
· Jacob acts like a little kid because he’s in love with Bella.....
· Something becomes so not scary, you are forced to laugh ( ex: “This is the skin of a killer Bella” *Sparkle Sparkle*)....
· Something becomes so mushy, you have to wonder whether you’re watching a movie about vampires or a Victorian romance....
· Something becomes so mushy, you have to wonder whether you’re watching a movie about vampires or a Victorian Romance, and then you find out that exact line was in the book and you start to further question Stephanie Meyers. ....
· Rosalie breaks a bowl for no real reason.....
· Rosalie is a bitch for no real reason.....
· Rosalie acts like she was PMSing when she got bit and is now like this for all eternity....
· A character shows up and even though you’ve read the book you can’t remember his or her name because the character development was so bad in the movie adaptation....
· Bella does something to promote the Damsel in distress thing....
· Bella says something that reminds you she suffers from an all too common in fictional characters and deadly disease: Marycorpus Sueitis or in layman’s terms, CHARACTER DEPTH FAILURE!!!....
Now, for the hard-core drinkers in the field… you may also want to try these…....
Drink whenever....
· They show something in the movie that was depicted as red in the book and in the movie it comes out either Orange, Brown or Blonde ( Examples: Bella’s truck, rival vampire eyes, Victoria’s hair)....
· The Lighting in this scene is exactly like it was in every other scene in the movie.....
· It looks like the special effects crew was out watching a real vampire movie instead of trying to salvage this one.....
Okay… Now I think we should all take a drink for the following…....
· Robert Pansiboy and Kristen Stewart who had to suffer through this, even though they brought it on themselves.....
· Stephanie Meyers who made a cameo appearance in the diner while working on Breaking Dawn....
· In memory of Rebecca, a totally awesome character from Grey’s Anatomy who went crazy and tried to kill herself after the actress playing her appeared in this film (Esme)....
Now, you need to get up and jump for joy in the unlikely event that one of the following should occur.....
· You got a special version of the movie where Edward is played by Johnny Depp and Bella is played by Helena Bonham Carter, a large portion of the Harry Potter cast shows up, it was directed by Tim Burton and…. Oh no. You put the wrong movie in the player, and now you’re watching a decent film! Plus, this one’s a musical.....
· The Cullens decide to act like real vampires for once....
· They go out into the sun expecting to sparkle but instead they have become real vampires and they all burn like real men ( and women)....
· Bella develops a personality....
· Edward really is hot.....
· The Cullens died of an Irish potato famine....
· You fall asleep watching Bella go * I love you Edward smoochy smoochy* and when you wake up, it’s in a different reality where Stephanie Meyers never wrote the Twilight series and people know what a real vampire is.....
I hope you enjoyed the Twilight drinking game, and I hope the hangover doesn’t last too long.....Btw.... check on November 20th for my totally amazing New Moon drinking Game, I will have the rules up hopefully by about 7 or 8.
Thank you all for reading, bye.
Infinite love for this game!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ X3
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad that you still love this game after playing it twice! That's a record.