Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Resolutions
You didn't think I would leave you guys out on New Years, did you? It's one of the few remaining major holidays I approve of.
I thought you would all be interested to know some of my New Years Resolutions, which is mainly what this post goes out to.
So... here they are
~ I would like to hit a cl of 7 in ZOMG
~ Considering that they are trying to release Diablo 3 by the end of this year, and definitely by the end of next, I would like to beat Diablo 2 at least once ( I've got an ok start on that, btw, 1 1/2 acts in one day, pretty decent )
~ I would like to be good enough at Rock Band that I can play on hard, for all the songs, not just 44 of them.
~ I would like to beat 21st century breakdown on Rockband, ( which also requires buying a copy)
~ I would like to learn how to play an entire album on guitar, start to finish. ( I already have a good start on this too, I have to get better at Everytime I Look for You and Stay together for the kids needs sped up a bit)
~ Leanr to type faster than 33 words a minute.
~I would like to learn a Tenacious D song, really well.
~ Learn a song with Bar Chords!!!!! ( I have a start on Dani California )
~Play with a band. Not just a start a band, actually play with one.
~Learn how to play welcome home, that song has been screwing with my head for months now.
~I would like to finish typing out and editing my Zombie story, it has promise.
~I would like to finish editing and typing my first book, ( more of a personal thing, but still)
There might be moe but that's all I can think of right now.....
Oh and listen to the awesome blink182 album!!!!!!!! YAY 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everybody has a happy new year!!!!! You can all look forward to at least one more year of blogs from me!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Two of my favorite things: Tom DeLonge and South Park
Anyway, Blink182 was featured in an episode a really long time ago, and none of the members actually did voices or anything, so I guess technically he wasn't on there for real, but there was a little south park Tom.
Sorry about that.....
Also, I'm thinking about turning my blog into a book. It'll only cost me like 20 bucks, plus 30 cents for every additional page so, a grand total of.... about 300?
lol, jk.
Anyway, Today is my mom's birthday so everybody wish happy birthday thoughts to my mom. I also owe a couple hundred dollars to hot topic so....
Happy new year!!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Belated X-Mas
I'm sorry about the weather yesterday,I know that a lot of you were rooting for a white christmas this year and it's sad to see you all disappointed. I want you all to know however that I found the gloom of yesterday to be very beautiful and if it's any consolation, it made me very very happy.
As for gaia, well I would like for you all to know that I have enough money to get the corset I wanted, I'm not going to, but I'm proud of myself for having this much money all at once.
I hope you all got lots of neat things, please feel free to comment about your favorite christmas gift if I don't answer my phone. ( btw Rily, I need to talk to you, remind me at the end of this)
I got lots and lots of neat stuff this christmas, and actually there are still three or four people I have to exchange presents with. One of the presents I was most thrilled with however, was just a stocking stuffer. I got a new pen, ( actually I got 62 new pens ) but I got one new pen in particular that has to do with me concluding this blog. It's very nice, writes beautifully and I am working with it right now. I have a few projects I would like to finish before I have my next guild run, and none of them are going to be done by then, since I'm already running a few minutes late.
On that note, before I end this, I would like for you all to know I finished the 9th book in my series yesterday, on Christmas. This is not the first I have finished on a holiday, I finished the second on thanksgiving, and I finished the 5th on my main characters birthday. I also think I finished one of them ( 3?) on Valentines day, but I'm not too sure about that. Anyway, I have one for Christmas now. Maybe next year I can finish one on Saint patties day, maybe one for easter, maybe I'll even land one of the major two, ( Tom's birthday or Halloween).
So I thank you all for reading ( my blog, not my series ) and I'll see you later, except for Rily, I'll see you now.
Hey, Rily, I need to talk to you. We were going to do something after Christmas which I am still all for but I have a few things I need to talk to you about while we're scheduling. Tomorrow would be a great day to talk, even though I can't really do anything tomorrow, I'll be out all day, which makes it a great time to talk because I'm not on my mic yelling at my newest attempt at a functional guild and I'm not knitting or playing rockband ( or all three ). I'm gonna let you call me, or talk to me through here sooner if u want, I hope we can schedule tomorrow, and if not that's okay too, I just need to know. Talk to you soonish.
Bye, and I hope you had a merry Xmas.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Haxy ( yeas, with an a )

Look at Ferin's avatar. Isn't it cute? Ferin if you're seeing this, don't be mad, you gave me the ability to get into your account in the first place, you had it coming. ( insert cell block tango parody here) So... anyway... my point is if I ask you about my blog, I'll know for sure if you've read it. Look how cute ( at least I didn't save it )
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A children's story
Once upon a time, there was a princess who was trapped in a tower by her father, the king. She was kept watched by a huge, fire-breathing dragon.
There was a prince, whose mother wanted him to settle down with a nice princess.
Well this is the part where the prince slays the dragon, and marries the beautiful princess and they live happily ever after, right kids?
The King didn't lock the princess up because he's afraid of her marrying and him losing his throne, on the contrary, he wants very much to retire and keeps portraits of Hawaii under his ever so ancient bed. He keeps the princess locked up by his best friend, the dragon, because she has the tendency to murder villagers and keep them in her basement. Also, the prince is gay, and much too busy frolicking with the other princes to care very much about what his mother tells him one way or the other.
The moral of this story kids: Nothing is always like it seems.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
December 13th: Tom's Birthday.
For those of you who still don't know who Tom is, let me give a short explanation ( yes this is short for how much I know about him)
Thomas Matthew DeLonge the second was born December 13th 1975 in Poway California. He is a Saggitarius. He got kicked out of Poway High for attending a basketball game where he was playing, slightly inebriated. His family relocated to Ranchero Bernard and he went to the school there where he met his friend Kerry. The one thing he really missed from Poway was his band ( big oily men ) and he spent all of the time he wasn't skateboarding complaining to Kerry, and his girlfriend, Anne Hoppus. Anne finally introduced him to her brother, Mark Hoppus, who was a bassist also in search of a band. They were the founding members of my favorite band, Blink182. They found Scott Raynor at a battle of the bands competition. Blink182 released their first album in 1994, it was called Cheshire Cat, ( although they released one unofficial tape before that, called flyswatter).
Although I have a lot more information on Tom and Blink182 both, I will shorten it down a bit ( mostly because I don't type that fast and I have a book and two or more fan sights full of information on them).
Travis Barker joined around 1998 after Scot quit and they played the infamous Mark, Tom and Travis show. Tom did a side project in 2003, and formed a band called Box Car Racer, ( the second best band ever) they only released one album and it was self titled. About a year later, after the release of Blink182's self titled album, Tom quit Blink182. The band broke up. Tom started a new band, Angels and Airwaves ( the third best band ever) and they released two halves of one album, the first entitled We Don't Need To Whisper and the second, I-Empire.
As I'm sure you all know Blink182 recently got back together and went on the summer 2009 Blink182 reunion tour,( which let me tell you was awesome) . Sadly that put an end to Angels and Airwaves, ( which let me tell you were also very awesome live). It was worth it though because it brought back the best band to ever walk the face of the earth.
So, let me wrap up really quick. Tom has been a part of the best three bands ever, released the following albums: Cheshire Cat, Buddha, Dude Ranch, Enema of the State, The Mark, Tom and Travis Show, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Box Car Racer, Blink182, Greatest Hits, We Don't Need to Whisper, and last but not least I-empire. He founded ( although sold his shares of) Atticus clothing company and is still in charge of Macbeth shoe company. He is the best guitarist, singer songwriter ever. He now resides about 45 minutes north of San Diego with his wife, Jennifer, his daughter Ava Elizabeth DeLonge, and his son Jonas Rocket DeLonge, and his two dogs, Grey and Chloe..
I know, I know I'm obsessed, but it's not my fault. He's funny and he writes beautiful songs and he plays amazingly and I love his voice. Oh, yeah, and he's hot. For the record, I loved Tom for about 5 years before I actually found out how much older than me he is, AND there's a girl in my fremch class who's in love with a guy that's like 60. So HA. Also, Monica from friends dates Richard and they were 21 years apart. So, hahaha. Look, what did I tell you? Gorgeous!!!!

This was Tom when he was in Blink182 before they broke up.
And this is when he had the lighter hair during Angels and Airwaves.

I have like a million more pictures, on my myspace and my laptop, as my background, and a slideshow as my screensaver, ( also some where he's not wearing a shirt) but anyway, I'll ony put these two on todays blog because I can only upload one at a time and it would take way too long.
Anyway, everybody celebrate today because it is Tom's 34th birthday and I love him.
Oh, and btw, A lot of people have been wondering how I got my screenname, and since it's Tom birthday I will tell you. It's the name of a Box Car Racer song.
" Call me back when word is that she's gone. Cat Like Thief she stole air from my lungs. Leave me standing on this lonely grave. I dug it out in case she turns away." - Tom DeLonge.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I am going to petition that we get this day off next year ( I do believe it will fall on a monday )
and everybody who agrees, please comment on my blog. If you don't know who Tom is, let me tell you something. He is better than Old Greg. I'll probably be posting about him tomorrow. Tom, not old Greg.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Gaia event

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Amazing, but not by blue october.
1. the lesser of the two, I finally changed my hair on gaia even though it was an accident. I thought for sure that the icon said 25 gold, it said 800 and even though I only planned on having this cut a day to go with my outfit, I'm keeping it because it is sixteen times what I usu

I"M DR. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the second is even more amazing. I was sitting thinking about my blog and then I thought about how sad it was i had to change my disclaimer on the twilight drinking game from the original, ( and I really am getting tired of those disclaimers btw) because Maddy stole my book. I'm not even kidding that's what was going through my mind when some one knocks on the door. Mom asks me to get it ( which she never does) and so I get up ( which I never do) and there stands Maddy with my copy of Twilight. How coolio is that? Now I have one more book to go on my shelf that I don't read or have room for. That's not fair, I read most of the books on my shelves, except for about four.....
Anyway, I hope you all have fun, I had to stop posting songs of the day here, for which I apologize but I'm playing a trivia game with a few people who are among my readers.
Have to go now, just thought you would like the update.
Oh, and btw Rily, I am going to go right now and not right my research paper.
And I get Die Hard for free on Netflix, aren't you jealous?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tu a perde le match
But regardless of how haunting these traditions are, it's during this holiday season that I am truly proud of my french family lineage ( my french name btw is Alice LaChance)
And so, in the christmas spirit I have decided to write you a little english/french poem
In this Christmas season
Seeming no rhyme of reason
Regardless of what you believe
I hope you remember these things ( shut up that rhymed)
First of all ( should you be so lucky)
Go and get yourself a rubber ducky
Second, I hope you take with you
You can always find solace in the color blue
And last things to remember when you hear my name
Tu a perde le match
You just lost the game.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I have been watching How I Met Your Mother all day.
I am tired now.
Friday, November 27, 2009
I have a few concerns in that this blog is really not as popular as I had hoped it would be and I admit, that is partially because it's so hard to find. I will figure out something though, maybe I'll publish a book called "How to find my Blog." or maybe a better approach would be a Tv show " How I met you blogger".
I know.... I'm not funny.
Maybe I'll start a video blog and tell people it's a Tv show. Worked fine for Felicia Day ( speaking of which season three of the guild is sooooo funny)
Or maybe i'll take vocal lessons and make a sing-a-long blog because that worked for Joss Whedon fine. I need a catchy name.
Cat Like Thief's Catastrophic sing-a-long?
I don't know, still a work in progress.
Logging Off, Cat like thief.
P.S. Not to take words out of Dr. Horrible's mouth or anything but really, I did pull off a major heist. I stole 2 guns and a cat statue. Cool right?
Okay... seriously I have to go now, my fans of findable sites await.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Star Trek VS. Tails Doll.
Okay, so there's this video game, Sonic R, and there's a thing where if you tag supersonic with a character ( tailsy ) it will unleash the real tails doll. He does not live, he is a doll version of tails and he is completely evil. But if you unleash him he will come after you. You will become his brainwashed minion slave and serve in his evil lair for all eternity and it will be like you never existed in this plane. Creepy right? And here's the other thing s that the people that were really close to you will sort of remember you, but either they will fall into the reality where you never existed or be driven crazy.
Right, so then there's this Star Trek movie and it's called first contact. So my cousin, Ferin, and her Husband, Anthony, were over and we were talking about how long it's been since we've seen all the star trek movies and my mom said " You know, I've been having some problems remembering First Contact." and Ferin was like " It's funny you should say that because we were at the video store the other day and we were trying to rent a copy-"
I don't remember how she put it, but this is the story and I shit you not.
So Ferin and Anthony went down to the movie store and they were trying to find a copy of this movie. When they couldn't find it they asked the lady at the counter to check for a movie called Star Trek: First Contact. She told them that it never existed and sure enough, even though there were all the other star trek movies there was no record of first contact.
Then I said, "well maybe it went up against the Tails Doll"
We were joking about it for a while, but it did start to make sense. Ferin said she had asked around and as far as she could tell we were the only ones to remember and it had been erased from the official database which is consistent with the Tails Doll MO. Well then we thought, well that falls apart in two places. First of all, why would we be the only ones to remember? Sure, we all like Star Trek, but why us and not a die hard fan that is a lot closer to the series. Second of all, mom had a store bought copy of the movie.
With the Tails Doll jokes aside we went to go get the movie to lend to them, since they still want to see it. THIS PART IS WEIRD!!!!! So, there is the fourth star trek movie on the shelf there, but there's only a spot where the First Contact was supposed to be. Weird Right?
So here's what happened: My mother's copy of the Star Trek movie went up against the Tails Doll and lost. So the tails Doll took it as a minion and then erased all the official records of it and all other copies. But because we were the closest people to the copy that the Tails Doll took and kept, we remember.
Then we found an unofficial copy that we think was mailed to us by the FBI. That means that there is someone else out there who knows for sure, and this means that there is still a chance for Star Trek to win!!!!! Please, if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of this epic movie, or how to help us fight the forces of the Tails Doll, please, contact me through this blog, by email or by myspace... but be warned, even though my blog is extremely difficult to find, it could be being watched by either the FBI or the supporters of the other side. So please, burn this blog after reading.
Seriously though... if anything strange or unusual happens, we should be the first to know .
Keep reading for updates on the....
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon Drinking Game
What can I say? The second book was so much better in the saga and the movie followed along so much better. Now, did this breakthrough push me over to the twilight side since I’ve been on the fence about this anyway? Am I going back into school tomorrow about to give up my place on the anti-twilight side of this war? No.
Even though I have a new found respect for Stephanie Meyer and her work, I am still not a twilight fan. I think that the writing style ( of both the movie and the book) is very appropriate for the kind of fiction it is and for the kind of people it appeals to. But it’s a romance, and I think that if I liked romances I would probably like this one but I am a horror fan, and will probably always be a horror fan. But I know have respect for twilight. I am sorry for the lack of a drinking game and as for all my loyal fans, I hope you will remain to follow me, even after I tell you this: Leave Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight Saga alone.
Okay, I totally lied.
No, no, I mean, I meant some of it, like, out of the twilight saga, New Moon really was my favorite, they did follow the book a lot better this time around and sure they made mistakes, but they at least tried to fix them sometimes. And this movie was a lot harder to make a drinking game about, but I still did it. And it was all for you, my faithful blog-followers.
But before I actually present to you the drinking game, I want you all to know about the painstaking process that it was for me to come up with this in time for you.
First I had to pre-order tickets, which was really painful. I actually got mistaken for a normal teenage girl. Bleck!
Second, I had to, you know, fight with people about going to see it opening day. Apparently I’m not worthy to some of seeing it all just because I said I wanted a shirt that says Team Tyler’s Van.
I had to get signed out of school early, and I know what you’re thinking, “ Oh boo-hoo, she got to miss school and everything, what does she have to complain about?” Well, I’ll tell you, you lucky bastards, when people asked me where I was going I had to tell them I was going to see New Moon opening day and now they think I’m a fan.
I had to watch New Moon.
In the theater ( which is more than I can say for any of you)
I had to see kids I know there and worst f all they saw me.
And finally, my handwriting is pretty bad, and by that I mean really really terrible. As Mrs. Grywalski would say ( Those of you that know her, feel free to laugh along and or tell her about this, those of you that don’t pretend you do and laugh anyway) “ I am notorious for how consummate I have become at my cacography” So I have this really really awful handwriting and it’s hardly legible and all and I was thinking how am I ( me, with the memory of a goldfish) going to remember all these rules until I have a chance to write them down. Obviously I couldn’t take my laptop into the theater with me, people would be upset. So I had no choice but to write them down as they came up in the movie. Guess What? If any of you thought my handwriting was bad before hand, you should see what I wrote while I was in a pitch black theater and couldn’t see anything. I was writing every other line, and there were still times I wrote stuff on stuff that was already there, I’m not even kidding. I think I should be honored just for deciphering any of it.
Plus, I started typing this out at 9:00 even though I type badly and slowly and promised to have this up by midnight because my laptop is malfunctioning and I couldn’t get home until just now. How about that?
Now that you know the painstaking process I had to endure to bring this to you, it is now my pleasure to present the New Moon Drinking Game.
New Moon Drinking Game
DISCLAIMER: Yes, I’m sure you’re all very tired of reading this ( heaven knows I’m tired of typing it out.) But seriously you have no idea how much hate mail I get for these and I would like a chance to pre-emptively defend myself. I have posted a similar disclaimer on the three versions of the Twilight drinking game that came out before this, and on the box set that only one of you has ( feel special Rily). SO here we go.
Although a lot of my fellow anti-twilight people have not read the books, I have. I own copies of all three of them ( four counting the one Maddy stole) and have read them all at least twice through which is more than I read some books. I have seen the movie numerous times and am not ignorant of the story line at all. With that said, I can now present to you the rules.
~The Rules~
Drink whenever...
1. A yellow moon pops out of the screen and scares the shit out of you because you had no idea it was coming.
2. Somebody they did an awful job casting in the first one is back to act badly all over again.
3. Somebody they cast poorly was replaced with yet another poor choice ( Victoria)
4. They cast a new character badly ( Drink for all new characters except Harry and Jane)
5. The lighting goes black and orangish and looks just like the cover of the movie
6. Edward is wearing more lipstick than Bella
7. Edwards man boobs are jiggling
8. Edward acts like an emo
9. Furthermore, he acts like an emo statue
10. Something that was supposed to be really romantic is really just creepy instead
11. Alice’s hair is not as cute
12. Jasper is really creepy, either because he’s saying nothing at all and standing there like Sweeney Todd, or he’s saying something to the effect of “ It sure would be nice if I didn’t want to kill you all the time, hey Bella?”
13. Bella gives Carlisle a look that suggests like she’s in love with him
14. Bella looks not like she’s aging to 18, but rather like she’s aging to 40
15. Edward looks like he’s about to cry
16. Edward is wearing a suit for no reason, ( you’re not cool enough to be NPH Neil Patrick Harris, so don’t even try.
17. Rosalie is a bitch
18. Charlie over-reacts to something
19. In one line Charlie shows more character depth then he did in the whole first movie
20. Something sparkles that shouldn’t
21. Something fails at sparkling even though it still shouldn’t
22. During the first half of the movie when the actors fail at emotion
23. During the second half of the movie where the actors learn how to act, but are no portraying more emotion than what was written into the book.
24. Mike’s face is really scary
25. Mike says something that is as scary as his face
26. Bella slurs her speech so much you can’t tell what she’s saying.
27. There’s a really awful scene transition
28. Edward drives a car that is not a silver Volvo
29. Something fails at superspeed
30. You can understand how it could be easy to fail at superspeed but not why it’s currently failing at slow motion which people have been succeeding at in the movies for a long time now
31. Something fails at superspeed and slow motion at the same time
32. The wolf eyes fail to look real and/or menacing
33. September passes a lot more quickly than November
34. **** Random Drink for Charlie being really southern****
35. Jessica manages to be even more of a Mary Sue than Bella
36. A holographic image of Edward that was not in the book appears for no reason
37. Jacob stares at Bella a little too long
38. When it comes back to him he’s still staring at Bella
39. Bella throws a slice of pizza so hard it becomes a wrench ( bad transition shot basically)
40. ***** Random Drink for Sam Uley’s Gang****
41. Someone jumps off a cliff ( do an extra shot if the cinematographer accidentally made it look instead like this person was flying
42. Bella’s so used to being an emo she forgets that blood is supposed to hurt.
43. Jacob of one of his wolfy friends is without a shirt for no good reason.
45. Harry threatens to unleash his Kung Fu skills on a bear
46. Somebody breaks a promise, or rather is accused of breaking a promise, regardless to whether or not they really made any such promise
47. They have a flashback where Edward is more sparkly in this movie than he was in the same scene in Twilight
48. A wolf looks more like one of the following things than like a wolf: bear, dog, cat, cartoon, squirrel
49. They fail at suspense, either because they just failed, or they were doing good the first three minutes of the suspenseful scene and then you just got bored with it.
50. Billy tries to keep Bella away from Jacob even though he wanted them to be together in the last movie
51. Bella over explains something
52. Jacob failed at explaining something in the book but somehow manages to acchieve whole new levels of explanatory failure in the movie
53. Bella wastes her valuable time figuring out something vague Jacob has said, when all she had to do was piss off one of his friends because then they would have told her anyway
54. Muffins show up that are more intimidating then all the vampires put together just because of their size.
55. Bella knocks herself out ( or everytime a rock and a wave beat Victoria to the punch)
56. Jacob fails at CPR.
57. Victoria acts like a submarine ( no Rily, not a yellow one)
58. Alice says something to remind you how much better she is than the other “vampires” in this movie
59. Bella puts herself directly in between a were wolf and a vampire.
60. They do a great job portraying red that wasn’t in the books
61. No one bothers to look at Bella even though she’s a) out of place to an extreme degree and b) running like a maniac
62. Robert Pansiboy is Jealous of Jacob getting to show off his abs so he rips off his shirt and he has NOTHING compared to what Jacob has. ( which contributes further to his last name Pansiboy)
63. Something has chest hair that shouldn’t
64. Bella hugs and/or kisses someone who is half-naked at the time
65. EDWARD’S WEARING A BATHROBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
66. There’s an awkward elevator scene complete with awkward italian elevator music
67. There’s an underground base that is not so underground
68. FULL VIEW OF THE BATHROBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
69. Edward is supposed to be writhing on the floor in pain but instead he’s just flying back while his upper lip ( and only his upper lip) wiggles uncontrollably
70. Edward’s face cracks and then puts itself back together
71. Edward’s lower body get’s flung into a set of stairs and you have an inappropriate moment where you wonder, what else cracked there?
72. There’s a scene that’s like a cross between little house on the prarie and baywatch but with sparkling.
Now, drink for the following things that bother me about the movie
· I didn’t get to see Alice steal anything
· Bella didn’t notice that the picture Edward stole of himself was gone
· There is a scene where Victoria manages somehow to outrun a bird. That’s right. Not a car or a plane, or something impressive, but a bird.
· They forgot about Quil immediately after introducing him
Now, the hard-core alcoholics can also take a drink everytime….
· Bella breaks someones heart
· Bella is almost intimate with Jacob
· Bella has to try too hard to kiss Edward
· Bella and Edward have a conversation while Edward isn’t really there at all
· Bella sends an email to an invalid address
· Bella wakes up and is still in this sparkly reality
· Bella sits on a stool that is far too small for her, or anyone else to eve dream of sitting on
Drink for the following things.
~ To remember Robert Pansiboy who had to kiss the old lady
~ For Captain Hammers cameo. No, not Nathan Fillion, Captain Hammer. Oh, what, he wasn’t in this? I must have gotten confused. Why, you ask me? Well, let’s compare these two scenarios
Captain Hammer throws Penny into a pile of garbage to “save her” from on oncoming van.
Edward Cullen tosses his lover, Bella into a glass table to “protect her” from his own brother
~Victoria’s hair was actually red in this movie. ( which is more than I can say for Bella’s truck)
~They succeeded at making something look like it was traveling at superspeed for almost a whole minute.
~My cousin Ferin, totally called the “you’re grounded” line 10 second before it happened
~Edward was in a bathrobe ( sorry I can’t let it go)
~One of the vampires was actually attractive, though I won’t tell you which one.
~In memory of~
Fangoria. You were a really cool magazine until you, not only counted this as a horror movie, but put a picture from it on the cover of your magazine two months in a row, one of which was Halloween month and the other of which was my birthday. Do a shot in memory of… my ex-bible
I hope you had a lot of fun with this, If I had had more time it could probably have been better. I would also like to note that even though there were a lot more rules, I thought New Moon was a lot better, both as a film and as an adaptation.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Twilight Drinking Game.
Twilight Drinking Game....
~ The Rules ~....
In the ever-lasting debate between Twilight people and anti-twilight people, you would be right in guessing that I, as the creator of this wonderful game, fall on the side of anti-twilight. However, this does not mean, nor will it ever mean that I have always hated Twilight or that I am “ignorant of the Twilight Saga.” A lot of people claim that I only hate Twilight because I do not really know it. I would like anyone who feels that way after witnessing this game to know that if they saw my room, they would find…....
· Copies of New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, each read twice sitting neatly side by side in order.....
· A blank space in front of that on my shelf where my thoroughly read copy of Twilight used to sit until it was stolen by a dear friend ( Yes Maddy, I do still want my book back) ....
· A much watched copy of the Twilight movie....
· The first complimentary Twilight Journal....
· A space where I hope to put the new complimentary Twilight Journals one day in the far off future.....
So, when it comes to the Twilight series, I am not ignorant, just disapproving. ....
Thank you, and enjoy.....
Drink Whenever…....
· A new character is introduced that they did an awful job casting wither for looks or just for acting ability FAILURE. (So whenever they introduce a new character you need to drink except for… Alice Cullen, Jacob Black, Jessica Something and the waitress.)....
· Robert Pansiboy acts afraid of Bella when he is supposed to be portraying a completely different emotion ( love, hate, disgust, anything besides fear)....
· Kristen Stewart says something that was supposed to be full of emotion and it sounds like a robot said it. ....
· Robert Pansiboy says something with a weird half accent that makes him sound retarded ( and I’m not making fun or trying to be politically incorrect, I did in fact mean Mentally incapable)....
· Kristen Stewart pauses so often it’s not only like she forgot a line, but in fact never read the script.....
· They can’t edit it together to make it look like Kristen Stewart read the script.....
· Something sparkles that shouldn’t.....
· Something fails epically at sparkling even though it still shouldn’t.....
· Something is supposed to be moving at super speed but the special effects guy was out, so instead it looks like you’ve fallen into a lesser version of the Twilight zone. Twilight… without the zone ( drink for the bad pun)....
· Somebody’s talking to Bella and she’s too busy staring at Edward to notice.....
· Jacob acts like a little kid because he’s in love with Bella.....
· Something becomes so not scary, you are forced to laugh ( ex: “This is the skin of a killer Bella” *Sparkle Sparkle*)....
· Something becomes so mushy, you have to wonder whether you’re watching a movie about vampires or a Victorian romance....
· Something becomes so mushy, you have to wonder whether you’re watching a movie about vampires or a Victorian Romance, and then you find out that exact line was in the book and you start to further question Stephanie Meyers. ....
· Rosalie breaks a bowl for no real reason.....
· Rosalie is a bitch for no real reason.....
· Rosalie acts like she was PMSing when she got bit and is now like this for all eternity....
· A character shows up and even though you’ve read the book you can’t remember his or her name because the character development was so bad in the movie adaptation....
· Bella does something to promote the Damsel in distress thing....
· Bella says something that reminds you she suffers from an all too common in fictional characters and deadly disease: Marycorpus Sueitis or in layman’s terms, CHARACTER DEPTH FAILURE!!!....
Now, for the hard-core drinkers in the field… you may also want to try these…....
Drink whenever....
· They show something in the movie that was depicted as red in the book and in the movie it comes out either Orange, Brown or Blonde ( Examples: Bella’s truck, rival vampire eyes, Victoria’s hair)....
· The Lighting in this scene is exactly like it was in every other scene in the movie.....
· It looks like the special effects crew was out watching a real vampire movie instead of trying to salvage this one.....
Okay… Now I think we should all take a drink for the following…....
· Robert Pansiboy and Kristen Stewart who had to suffer through this, even though they brought it on themselves.....
· Stephanie Meyers who made a cameo appearance in the diner while working on Breaking Dawn....
· In memory of Rebecca, a totally awesome character from Grey’s Anatomy who went crazy and tried to kill herself after the actress playing her appeared in this film (Esme)....
Now, you need to get up and jump for joy in the unlikely event that one of the following should occur.....
· You got a special version of the movie where Edward is played by Johnny Depp and Bella is played by Helena Bonham Carter, a large portion of the Harry Potter cast shows up, it was directed by Tim Burton and…. Oh no. You put the wrong movie in the player, and now you’re watching a decent film! Plus, this one’s a musical.....
· The Cullens decide to act like real vampires for once....
· They go out into the sun expecting to sparkle but instead they have become real vampires and they all burn like real men ( and women)....
· Bella develops a personality....
· Edward really is hot.....
· The Cullens died of an Irish potato famine....
· You fall asleep watching Bella go * I love you Edward smoochy smoochy* and when you wake up, it’s in a different reality where Stephanie Meyers never wrote the Twilight series and people know what a real vampire is.....
I hope you enjoyed the Twilight drinking game, and I hope the hangover doesn’t last too long.....Btw.... check on November 20th for my totally amazing New Moon drinking Game, I will have the rules up hopefully by about 7 or 8.
Thank you all for reading, bye.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
P.S. enjoy a picture of a real vampire. He's the hottest vampire ever.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cheshire Blog
I found out one of my favorite shows has been canceled and I'm really sad about that. , I do have something that will make everyone, Dollhouse fans included, feel better.
Someone thought their Tabby Cat looked just like American McGee's Alice Cheshire cat and posted a comparison picture. This is very possibly the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Scroll down.

Okay so with that out of the way, I have some serious Rock-Banding to do this weekend, ( on that note... I might finally have learned how to sing) and I can play on expert now, on guitar!! How awesomely awesome is that? Yeah, I thought so.
Song of the Day: Jeep Song by the Dresden Dolls.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
My Cats

This is my kitten Dustin . I thought I would help you understand me a little bit more if I gave you cute pictures of my cats. I have had Dustin for 12 years now and I love her to pieces. She is really crabby and I love her for that too.

Last but not least, this is my Gandalf. He is the only male cat in the house. He drives me crazy all the time but I love him.

Other than that, you all need to wish Rily a happy B-day. Oh, and the song of the day is If I had a million dollars.
See you later.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Introductory Blog
Since I recently broke up with my last blog, over how debatable posting them was, I do hope that this site works out well for me.
Since you will be my new faithful reader's let me fill you in a little bit about myself to catch you up on my blog life thus far.
~ Fact about me ~
My name changes everyday, I hate my birthname so much that I ask nobody call me that, and since I didn't have one replacement name, everybody knows me as something different. Here are some of the many, a lot of which come from my favorite TV shows. Buffy, Tru, Xena, Chandler, Alice ( which is my french name ) Tibby, Shilo, Merideth, Shawn and Bob. If you couldn't tell from all of those ( 'cept for maybe the last one ) I am female.
I love reading and writing. I read all sorts of things. My favorite book is the American Classic "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee but my favorite Genre is horror. My favorite author usually switches between Stephen King and Dean Koontz depending on the book I'm reading. I love to read fanfiction online, although usually just because of how awful it is. My favorite Shakespeare is without a doubt Macbeth. My second favorite book is Blink182's biography "Tales From Beneath You Mom". I know a lot of people think it's lame but I also love Manga. My favorite ( other than a few one shotters including at Death's Door) is currently Bizenghast. As far as the writing goes, I love writing blogs (obviously). I have this one, the one on my myspace and a creative blog for a fan character. I write comics, although I seldom have the patience so I usually only do stick figures. I am a die-hard fanfiction writer because it boosts my confidence up. Fanfiction is usually written so badly that in comparison I don't seem that bad. I do write other than fanfiction but the truth is I am extremely self-conscience about what I write so not much of my other stuff ever gets out there. My best long-term project is a series of books I have yet to title, I've been working on them for over 2 years, closer to three now I guess and I'm on the 9th one ( very early into the 9th one) I prefer novels although I have written a few episodes of original TV show ideas ( Knife or Death, Zombie Chicken, Coxy, the usual).
I play guitar. I sort of suck but, I love it with a passion. When I have the chance I play everyday.
I am a die-hard gamer. I don't play every video game, but I am a natural at most games and the ones I play, I play all the time. My favorite game of all time is American McGee's Alice but my favorite of the ones I'm playing currently is Quake 3 arena on Anarchy server.
Music is my life and passion, even more so than gaming or writing. I love music to death, Here are some of my favorite bands. SOME of them: Blink182, Box Car Racer, Angels and Airwaves, The Descendants, Third Eye Blind, Bad Religion, TENACIOUS D!!!!!!, NOFX, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Coheed and Cambria, Nine Inch Nails, ..... I could go on forever with this list. Oh, also I like Greenday even though people give me shit for it all the time. Whatever you guys, I like them.
I hate fall out boy with a fiery passion. I saw them live. It was awful.
I love jeeps. I'm a few months away from getting my temps, but I love driving and I would kill for a black Jeep Liberty Sport.
I have a dirty mind. I am always making pervy jokes and I'm okay with that. My friends love me for it anyway.
In the war of twilight people and anti-twilight people I fall on the side of anti-twilight people
I don't hate all twilight people, I only hate sparkly vampires ( and pink)
I love California. I was born there, I'll be moving back ASAP (after high school)
I play D&D. Make fun of me, idc, it gives me something to do and it's not as lame as people at my school make it out to be.
I love horror movies. I love the high-budget ones and I love watching the low-budget ones ( Rabid Grannies, Dumpster Baby) and I owe netflix for allowing me to watch things like Rabid Grannies and Dumpster Baby for free.
Joss Whedon kicks ass, as does Eliza Dushku and NPH.
Black is my favorite color.
I'm a cat person.
Tim Burton is over rated.
I just made you lose the game.
I am addicted to Dr. Pepper.
I am the vampire slayer, warrior princess, who relives days, is a forensic anthropologist that lives in wonder land as well as a doctor, I am evil and I save the world and my title is increasing all the time, I'm not even sure this one is up to date. You can call me Dr. Xentruffyss Bing Greyswanbones, although I much prefer Cat Like Thief, or Shawn, whatever. I save the world at least 2 times a month ( at least) and it is completely top secret. I count on you people thinking I'm kidding to get me by posting things like this on the internet. Only a few people really know the details of this, you are probably not one of them and if you are, HI Erika!!! ( I know it's you, the rest of them don't read my blog.)
Erika is my BFF. Call her Rily.
I H8 the term Bff, I don't know why I did that.
That's about all you need to know, the rest I think you'll find out on your own or I'll explain in little bits and pieces along the way. Oh, wait, one more thing....
I am completely and madly in love with Thomas Matthew DeLonge the 2nd ( a.k.a. Tom because I talk about him like we're on a first name basis which we're not.) He's a little bit older than me but even with a gun pressed to my head I'd swear he was soulmate ( he is) When I said a little bit older I meant of course 18 years a 11 months and 10 days, he's married with two kids and way way way way way out of my league, But I love him ( He is the lead singer/guitarist for my 3 favorite bands, Blink182, Box Car Racer, and Angels and Airwaves.) Yeah, since most of my blogs are about him I thought you should know.
I know this blog was really long, most of them won't be this bad probably, they'll also be funny or creepy or depressing or.... not this boring. This was kind of lame, but in all fairness it is just an introduction.
Just a few last minute things, I may post inside jokes with Rily or someone else, in which case just ignore it unless you have to know in which case email me. I also my say something about needing to save the world and if the weird fact earlier about me saving the world does not help you, I probably won't elaborate anyway, I'm just ranting.
So I have to go now, but I'll post another l8r. Check here for random trivia, movie reviews, drinking games and those little windows into the life of a crazy person. Coming up soon " The Twilight Drinking Game, anniversary edition" and "Wood Blog: Life through the eyes of a satyr"
***** The song of the day is sk8r boi by Avril Lavigne ( i don't listen to her anymore) *****