So I posted this summer about how I planned on going and switching blogs. I already have another one set up and still plan on making the switch at the first of the year. I sort of want to just switch over now because this blog is all kinds of dead and I miss blogging frequently.... I have even less reason to be on now than what I did before because the zombie list died. Anyway.... So under my new google account I want to have two blogs, one about my life that will pretty much be like this and one where I can do movie reviews. It'll be cool. Still trying to set it up I guess.
So, a lot of stuff has happened since my last post (like I said this blog is dead), I'm trying to think of how I could like summarize, but there really isn't a way.
I'm in a super kick ass band. We have an album written and once we get a drum line we'll be ready to start recording. Exit Strategy, so look for that.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Jacob's Blog Link
I know I've stopped using this blog, but I need to remember where to find this so I'm putting it here.
Jacob's Blog
Jacob's Blog
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Router Crash
For the few of you that follow my zombie blog you'll already know that my router has crashed which is why I haven't been on. Some very exciting stuff has happened though. I got two kittens, and once I'm back on my own computer you can expect some pictures.
I GOT A LIP RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I was just really excited about that one.
I will be posting more regularly just as soon as I have less internet problems, so sorry for the delay, and ow on the lip ring.
I GOT A LIP RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I was just really excited about that one.
I will be posting more regularly just as soon as I have less internet problems, so sorry for the delay, and ow on the lip ring.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Current Blog Situations.
Hey you guys, guess what? I remembered why I didn't give you all the link for my newest blog and here is it. I started the new blog but then I decided I would keep this one going instead until February. Here's what's going on.
I started this blog under my google account which I had sent to my current (at the time) email address ( Well then I got a new email account ( and before I had the chance to switch the email accounts on this I signed up for youtube, which activated a new google account. SO when I went to switch email addresses for this blog I couldn't because there was already a google user signed up with that email, I thought the easiest solution would be to just start anew blog on that email account, which I did. THEN I remembered that I also had the zombie blog up and running SO IN CONCLUSION: I will have this blog u and running until February 2011, when I will give you all a link to My Apocalyptic Blog pt 2.
Sorry for the confusion. On another note, I just saw King Lear, Ohio Shakespeare Festival baby, Stan Hywet. Check it out.
I also saw a zombie movie, but hell, I have a whole other blog for that.
I started this blog under my google account which I had sent to my current (at the time) email address ( Well then I got a new email account ( and before I had the chance to switch the email accounts on this I signed up for youtube, which activated a new google account. SO when I went to switch email addresses for this blog I couldn't because there was already a google user signed up with that email, I thought the easiest solution would be to just start anew blog on that email account, which I did. THEN I remembered that I also had the zombie blog up and running SO IN CONCLUSION: I will have this blog u and running until February 2011, when I will give you all a link to My Apocalyptic Blog pt 2.
Sorry for the confusion. On another note, I just saw King Lear, Ohio Shakespeare Festival baby, Stan Hywet. Check it out.
I also saw a zombie movie, but hell, I have a whole other blog for that.
Monday, July 26, 2010
okay.... remember how, i said I was going to leave a link to my new blog, and then didn't? I'll be getting around to that soon, as soon as I remember what my password for the other blog would be. On the bright side I have come back to you, this group of loyal blog readers. Congrats :) Bout to finally get around to testing the New moon drinking game, (now that eclipse is already out......) and that's about it. I'll be getting you that link soon.....ish.
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!!! ( Monty Python voice )
I know I haven't been on in a while and part of the reason is because I've been really busy. Another part of the reason is because I changed email accounts. After I did that google wouldn't let me switch my blogger account over to the new email address. So, I will be starting yet another blog very shortly, ( I know, it's terrible). As soon as I get that one set up I will refer you to the new account so you can still read, it'll be the same blog, it'll just be under a different account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the meantime I would like to give you an update on my life, because a lot has happened, I'll narrow it down to top 10 things.
1. I am in California
2. I joined the ZOMG olympics
3. AVA CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( it was amazing and I would have told you more about it but I hate google right now)
4. I found a new permanent 5th favorite band, top 5 are as follows (Blink182, Box Car Racer, Angels and Airwaves, The Descendents, Say Anything)
5. My cat Scout is now pregnant
6. I beat American McGee's Alice on Nightmare in 1 day
7.I finally saw Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the crust.
8. I joined yet another band, our first album is called Get A Life and it's auto-biographical
9. I broke up with Andrew. :( I miss him, he was really sweet but you know me, can't do long distance.
10. Rily is finally going to ask out the guys she's had a crush on forever. She says she's going for it tonight and I am so excited for her. Everyone wish her luck.
That's it for now, I'll let you know when I get the new blog up and running, probably not for a bit cuz I'm on vacation. Wanted to let you know I'm still alive and stuff.
I know I haven't been on in a while and part of the reason is because I've been really busy. Another part of the reason is because I changed email accounts. After I did that google wouldn't let me switch my blogger account over to the new email address. So, I will be starting yet another blog very shortly, ( I know, it's terrible). As soon as I get that one set up I will refer you to the new account so you can still read, it'll be the same blog, it'll just be under a different account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the meantime I would like to give you an update on my life, because a lot has happened, I'll narrow it down to top 10 things.
1. I am in California
2. I joined the ZOMG olympics
3. AVA CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( it was amazing and I would have told you more about it but I hate google right now)
4. I found a new permanent 5th favorite band, top 5 are as follows (Blink182, Box Car Racer, Angels and Airwaves, The Descendents, Say Anything)
5. My cat Scout is now pregnant
6. I beat American McGee's Alice on Nightmare in 1 day
7.I finally saw Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the crust.
8. I joined yet another band, our first album is called Get A Life and it's auto-biographical
9. I broke up with Andrew. :( I miss him, he was really sweet but you know me, can't do long distance.
10. Rily is finally going to ask out the guys she's had a crush on forever. She says she's going for it tonight and I am so excited for her. Everyone wish her luck.
That's it for now, I'll let you know when I get the new blog up and running, probably not for a bit cuz I'm on vacation. Wanted to let you know I'm still alive and stuff.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Driver's test.
So guess who drove themselves back from their knowledge test today? That's right, me. I was so upset about not passing I stole a car but came to my senses before crossing the state border and went back to my house before calling the authorities. I'm using my one phone call to dictate this post to my cousin.
Psych. I totally nailed the exam, only had one mental breakdown outside of the test taking office AND look like a serial killer on my temps.
I also got a Stephen King book in hardback for a dollar (I love Goodwill) and it was one I needed for my collection ( Dolores Claiborn ) (sp?) . The driving thing was a little more important.... but I thought you should know. I also got the keys for my car today, a beautiful blue 65 mustang....... if I can ever find the money to fix it up that is. ( Given it might be cheaper just to by a new car, but I really want this one.) If only I could also get the mustang I've been looking at online ( we're talking about guitars now, for those of you who didn't get the pun) my life would be complete. (Okay.... I'd rather have the signature Fender I've been looking at, but regardless.)
So little pieces of my life are finally falling into place. Seriously, if I could just get a job at blossom or move to California, my life would be fantastic ( as good as I could hope for anyway.) And as for the whole California thing..... I mean, sure I still hate it here and I would move in a heartbeat if I had the chance because I feel like I can't breathe here, but I am starting to think I may be able to endure the last four years of my time here easily. I mean, I can drive ( which certainly is helping ) and I like the people. I mean, I feel really good about my friends here. The only thing that would be better is if I could take them with me.
So I guess that's it. Wish Rily luck I think she'll be taking hers a week from now ( maybe.......?). Switch, if and when you read this I need for you to call me, I haven't seen u in forever. we have things to discuss and I need advice from Christina. My campaign might be expanding to like, 10 or 11 people and I don't know if I can handle it.
See you all l8r,
Psych. I totally nailed the exam, only had one mental breakdown outside of the test taking office AND look like a serial killer on my temps.
I also got a Stephen King book in hardback for a dollar (I love Goodwill) and it was one I needed for my collection ( Dolores Claiborn ) (sp?) . The driving thing was a little more important.... but I thought you should know. I also got the keys for my car today, a beautiful blue 65 mustang....... if I can ever find the money to fix it up that is. ( Given it might be cheaper just to by a new car, but I really want this one.) If only I could also get the mustang I've been looking at online ( we're talking about guitars now, for those of you who didn't get the pun) my life would be complete. (Okay.... I'd rather have the signature Fender I've been looking at, but regardless.)
So little pieces of my life are finally falling into place. Seriously, if I could just get a job at blossom or move to California, my life would be fantastic ( as good as I could hope for anyway.) And as for the whole California thing..... I mean, sure I still hate it here and I would move in a heartbeat if I had the chance because I feel like I can't breathe here, but I am starting to think I may be able to endure the last four years of my time here easily. I mean, I can drive ( which certainly is helping ) and I like the people. I mean, I feel really good about my friends here. The only thing that would be better is if I could take them with me.
So I guess that's it. Wish Rily luck I think she'll be taking hers a week from now ( maybe.......?). Switch, if and when you read this I need for you to call me, I haven't seen u in forever. we have things to discuss and I need advice from Christina. My campaign might be expanding to like, 10 or 11 people and I don't know if I can handle it.
See you all l8r,
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Nightmare on Elmstreet.
Saw Nightmare on elmstreet yesterday as well as about half of Clash of the Titans. One of them was badly remade and one of them was scary, I'll let you decide which one was which. Brandy scared Andrew, he literally fell out of his chair. He's mad at me for posting that on my blog, but oh well.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I have a boyfriend. It's not that big a deal but this is the kind of thing I thought my blog followers would like to know about. ( yes Switch, I'll tell you about him next time I see you) (yes Rily it is who you think it is........ as improbable as that was)
ALSO!!!!!!! Angels and Airwaves concert THIS COMING FRIDAY!!!!!!!! SO STOKED!!!!!!!!
See yah soon, thanks for reading.
ALSO!!!!!!! Angels and Airwaves concert THIS COMING FRIDAY!!!!!!!! SO STOKED!!!!!!!!
See yah soon, thanks for reading.
Monday, April 12, 2010
First Day Back
First day back. It wasn't exciting, it wasn't any more boring than usual. It just was. I just am. I really thought I would hate being back at school but I don't. Sure, I don't like getting up that early but at the same time, going gives me something to pass the time. I'm even thinking about doing my homework on time ( though I only have a couple science questions because I was bored enough over spring break to do my entire language arts project over break)
Even a couple of my online friends are bailing on me, I guess even in a virtual community some people just don't have time to sit in front go their computers all day, I guess if I wanted to hang out with those kind of people I could just play WOW. Still,an internet community is still stronger than what I feel with most people out here in the real world. As long as I have internet I think I'll be okay.
Internet friends are kind of the best thing ever. I mean, they don't judge you and if they did, you'd never know. If you're a sad pathetic mess and you want to hide it, you can. If you don't want to hide it you can talk about it to them, they'll comfort you and you can't see the pity in their eyes when you do it. If you don't feel like talking to them just then, you don't have to, you can just open up a new tab and do something else. No awkward pity filled silences where you feel like crap for not being able to talk someone who you're close with. Oh, and if you don't like hugs typing in hug between two asterisks is emotional closeness without physically touching.
Also, fanfiction writing for other people I feel is very fulfilling. You can be as lonely and sad and pathetic as you want, but you're doing it for someone else. Which feels noble. Plus if you're the one writing it because someone else had the idea and couldn't bring it to words, you're sad and thinking the same low thoughts but at least you have the skill enough to turn it into something. Still, not as good as online roleplaying.
I guess I'm going to go. Home alone again and my dinner ( ramen ) is getting cold while my Dr. Pepper is getting warm.
So, I hope everybody has a great time doing whatever it is you're doing. If you wanna talk, PM me. I'll be online repoing, and I don't check emails.
Even a couple of my online friends are bailing on me, I guess even in a virtual community some people just don't have time to sit in front go their computers all day, I guess if I wanted to hang out with those kind of people I could just play WOW. Still,an internet community is still stronger than what I feel with most people out here in the real world. As long as I have internet I think I'll be okay.
Internet friends are kind of the best thing ever. I mean, they don't judge you and if they did, you'd never know. If you're a sad pathetic mess and you want to hide it, you can. If you don't want to hide it you can talk about it to them, they'll comfort you and you can't see the pity in their eyes when you do it. If you don't feel like talking to them just then, you don't have to, you can just open up a new tab and do something else. No awkward pity filled silences where you feel like crap for not being able to talk someone who you're close with. Oh, and if you don't like hugs typing in hug between two asterisks is emotional closeness without physically touching.
Also, fanfiction writing for other people I feel is very fulfilling. You can be as lonely and sad and pathetic as you want, but you're doing it for someone else. Which feels noble. Plus if you're the one writing it because someone else had the idea and couldn't bring it to words, you're sad and thinking the same low thoughts but at least you have the skill enough to turn it into something. Still, not as good as online roleplaying.
I guess I'm going to go. Home alone again and my dinner ( ramen ) is getting cold while my Dr. Pepper is getting warm.
So, I hope everybody has a great time doing whatever it is you're doing. If you wanna talk, PM me. I'll be online repoing, and I don't check emails.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Spring Break
Wow, so this spring break kind of tanked. I was so bored I developed a new hobby. Repo themed role-play. It's, different. That's really all the more I have to say about that. I got some new outfits on gaia. Yay me.
I had plans just about every day this week and all of them got canceled. So I have sat in front of my computer and gamed every day. I got a call from Maddy yesterday asking if I was up to do something fun and I thought oh god, finally I won't spend all day gaming. I said yes, I was up for anything. She came picked me up took me back to her place....... and I beat the Tom Morello battle for her on guitar hero three. Then I sat around and gamed all day because Maddy needed help beating 5 different guitar Hero games. I beat battles on GH 1-3, world tour and Rock the 80's.
So this is what my friends think of me. I'm not a fun do anything kind of person, I'm a get called up to beat levels in video games kind of person. Usually I wouldn't mind but I have been doubting myself a lot lately. I was worried I had no life and the only thing I'm good at is video games. I guess this kind of proves me right.
Whatever. I mean at least I have something right? At least I don't play D&D, oh wait, no. The only reason I don't play D&D is because all three of my campaigns do nothing but bail on me. Thanks guys.
I have people online though who need me. I realized that I care a little bit too much about my gaia account and I then realized that the reason I care is because I would rather live my life online than my life out here. It's just so much easier on gaia than what it is in real life. My friends online don't bail on me, ( Luigi aside ) and thats something. That really is something. It's so much easier to bail on people that are online and they never do. That means something to me. Even though it's sad and pathetic, it means something nonetheless.
So that's my life. And that's why I'm not posting blogs as much, these are read by my out of game friends, and they aren't the ones who need me.
I had plans just about every day this week and all of them got canceled. So I have sat in front of my computer and gamed every day. I got a call from Maddy yesterday asking if I was up to do something fun and I thought oh god, finally I won't spend all day gaming. I said yes, I was up for anything. She came picked me up took me back to her place....... and I beat the Tom Morello battle for her on guitar hero three. Then I sat around and gamed all day because Maddy needed help beating 5 different guitar Hero games. I beat battles on GH 1-3, world tour and Rock the 80's.
So this is what my friends think of me. I'm not a fun do anything kind of person, I'm a get called up to beat levels in video games kind of person. Usually I wouldn't mind but I have been doubting myself a lot lately. I was worried I had no life and the only thing I'm good at is video games. I guess this kind of proves me right.
Whatever. I mean at least I have something right? At least I don't play D&D, oh wait, no. The only reason I don't play D&D is because all three of my campaigns do nothing but bail on me. Thanks guys.
I have people online though who need me. I realized that I care a little bit too much about my gaia account and I then realized that the reason I care is because I would rather live my life online than my life out here. It's just so much easier on gaia than what it is in real life. My friends online don't bail on me, ( Luigi aside ) and thats something. That really is something. It's so much easier to bail on people that are online and they never do. That means something to me. Even though it's sad and pathetic, it means something nonetheless.
So that's my life. And that's why I'm not posting blogs as much, these are read by my out of game friends, and they aren't the ones who need me.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Rily has a husband, I mean not really.... but kind of. I would explain, but you wouldn't believe me because similar to Cassandra, no one ever does. The point is, I hope to post pictures after the Re-wedding. Again, I'm not going to explain that. In other news I failed to get my band together again this weekend AND I am starting a Dr. Horrible/ Marble Hornets crossover fanfiction.
Captain Hamer: Mamma! Someone maternal-
(masky peers head around corner)
Dr. Horrible: What the-, oh god! Penny!
(masky runs off )
( You see slender man in the therapists office in the corner...... Alex is really Jed Whedon.... I don't know yet, I wrote a song for masky but I'm not sure he'd be able to sing it so.... but I'm working on it. )
So, stay tuned for pictures of the re-wedding, or at least a date. Also.... my D&D group is going to try to meet up again later, we're aiming for twice over spring break.
Captain Hamer: Mamma! Someone maternal-
(masky peers head around corner)
Dr. Horrible: What the-, oh god! Penny!
(masky runs off )
( You see slender man in the therapists office in the corner...... Alex is really Jed Whedon.... I don't know yet, I wrote a song for masky but I'm not sure he'd be able to sing it so.... but I'm working on it. )
So, stay tuned for pictures of the re-wedding, or at least a date. Also.... my D&D group is going to try to meet up again later, we're aiming for twice over spring break.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Enter the life of a bored person.
Wow, I keep trying to find something to post about but my life has been so boring. All I've done lately is watched zombie movies..... and I have a separate blog to talk about that on. I've been watching a lot of bones reruns.... playing a lot of video games. Guitar. Finally got around to dying my hair. I beat all four sniper assassin games and will be posting links shortly. ALSO I am enjoying being a 10.00 in ZOMG. But not really, it's made the game really boring. Joined a RPG guild. That's it. I will post link for the Sniper assassin games to keep you busy while I search for something to blog about. Also.... if after beating these games ( they are addicting but really easy....., I recommend checking my zombie blog. A zombie nurse in love review.)
Sniper Assassin ( again )
Sniper Assassin 2
Sniper Assassin 3
Sniper Assassin 4
btw, I think people should start calling me Shawn. I learned from these games that I respond to it well, maybe as a trial thing?????? Just something to consider.
Rily got me hooked on this...... Just.... Click the link and thank me later. Or yell at me for this later, but click the link first.
And,, if you want more addicting games, especially of the shooting variety, you really should check out my zombie blog. I have Zomgies on there. Check it.
Sniper Assassin ( again )
Sniper Assassin 2
Sniper Assassin 3
Sniper Assassin 4
btw, I think people should start calling me Shawn. I learned from these games that I respond to it well, maybe as a trial thing?????? Just something to consider.
Rily got me hooked on this...... Just.... Click the link and thank me later. Or yell at me for this later, but click the link first.
And,, if you want more addicting games, especially of the shooting variety, you really should check out my zombie blog. I have Zomgies on there. Check it.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sniper Assassin
It took me like 5 minutes literally to beat this game, if that. I love it though, you should play and I haven't played the ones in the middle yet but the fourth one is also incredible. Have some fun.
Sniper Assassin
Sniper Assassin
Okay, so I have started yet another band, ( I might have mentioned this briefly in my last blog along with my guitar, I don't remember) but I think we actually have some potential, we don't have a name yet but we will, I'm sure. We are considering anatomically correct, which I certainly think is interesting. Anyway, i have been working a lot on some stuff, but I've also been sick which has cut down some on my computer time. BUT I have been working on some things that you may find interesting, one of them being my zombie list,which I will talk about more in depth on my zombie blog. Most of my computer time has been spent on gaia lately because I know a lot of people I only talk to through there and would like to keep in touch. I have been reading a lot of mythology lately, but only because I have to for school. I actually have been doing more school work than usual lately, I think it's because I work harder towards the end of a grading period. I also have been catching up on Bones ( watching reruns of TV shows goes alone well with being sick ) and have been working on storyboards for a few new projects, one of which is a twilight musical. I also have been learning to dance, ( this meaning all the dances from Once More With Feeling and sad attempts at the Fudderwaggon ( sp???????). I don't know how you feel about any or all od that, but there it is.
I hate to go so soon after my long-awaited return to bloggdom but I do have to finish watching Evil Dead 2, and Graveyard Alive ( check zombieblog for the review.)
I hate to go so soon after my long-awaited return to bloggdom but I do have to finish watching Evil Dead 2, and Graveyard Alive ( check zombieblog for the review.)
Monday, March 15, 2010
New guitar.
Sorry, I really meant to post a blog this weekend but I got really sick yesterday. Some really great stuff happened. I got a new guitar, a 3/4 size Laguna and a new Amp, Line 6 spider IV amp. So, YAY. I will elaborate more tomorrow but I wanted tp give u an update.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Alice in Wonderland.
I went to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. ( Yes, for those of you who know me really well and are thinking did she dress up, yes I did. I wore my newest Alice dress and I'm proud of it.) I know I haven't been on that much lately, and I think I've figured out why.
The problem with blogging is that you blog when you can, and so when everything's slow you have time for a lot of blogs. Well, when things are actually going on it's harder to find time to blog about it, but those are the things everybody wants to hear about. So I don't know.
I'll try to blog a little more even when I do have a life ( which happens so often....... * INTERNET SARCASM* ).
So everything really exciting that I have planned for about the entire year is happening in the next couple of months. Blink182's new album is coming out, I'm getting my lip pierced. Then I go to an Angels and Airwaves concert ( hell yeah! ) and then I get to start driver's classes. I'm glad I have these things to look forward to because for the past two weeks, my school days have been boring beyond belief, more so than usual.
That's about it for this blog, go see Alice in Wonderland, it's really good. The only thing is even though all the characters are there and the plot is really good, when you leave you don't get the impression that you just saw Alice in Wonderland, which I think is kind of sad. But still, it's a great movie and it is definitely worth seeing in theater if you have the chance.
I hope everybody has an exciting weekend, I probably won't.
The problem with blogging is that you blog when you can, and so when everything's slow you have time for a lot of blogs. Well, when things are actually going on it's harder to find time to blog about it, but those are the things everybody wants to hear about. So I don't know.
I'll try to blog a little more even when I do have a life ( which happens so often....... * INTERNET SARCASM* ).
So everything really exciting that I have planned for about the entire year is happening in the next couple of months. Blink182's new album is coming out, I'm getting my lip pierced. Then I go to an Angels and Airwaves concert ( hell yeah! ) and then I get to start driver's classes. I'm glad I have these things to look forward to because for the past two weeks, my school days have been boring beyond belief, more so than usual.
That's about it for this blog, go see Alice in Wonderland, it's really good. The only thing is even though all the characters are there and the plot is really good, when you leave you don't get the impression that you just saw Alice in Wonderland, which I think is kind of sad. But still, it's a great movie and it is definitely worth seeing in theater if you have the chance.
I hope everybody has an exciting weekend, I probably won't.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hey sorry it's been a while everybody, real life stuff going on I guess. Like, lots and lots of it. Unfortunately most of involves people telling me secrets I can't share with you on this blog. Some of it involves me getting new Angels and Airwaves tickets for the 23 of April!!!!!! I also got new D&D dice but I think that's a little less exciting, and by a little i mean of course a lot.. I updates my gaia profile though, and I upgraded my house. I still have to move stuff around a little to adjust to the new space. Anyway, I thought you might be excited for me about the concert, I will hopefully have very exciting stories to tell you about that in a couple of months. In the mean time though we can look forward to my lip ring, which I should be getting before the end of March. I've been spending a lot of internet time lately hunting down zombie movies. ( see my other blog for progress.)
Anyway, thought I would check in and let you all know I'm still alive and well.
Oh, also I'm going to see Alice opening day, I'm going to wear my new dress!!!!!!!
Anyway, thought I would check in and let you all know I'm still alive and well.
Oh, also I'm going to see Alice opening day, I'm going to wear my new dress!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
New Dress
I got my dress, the one that I said I needed like, 10, 20 blogs ago. The red, black and white one from Hot Topic. This means two things, I'm very happy, and Switch, it means I need to borrow your purse. I think they would go very very well together. If I could borrow it to the release of Alice in Wonderland, that would be incredible.
I have some other stuff i have to do, I might be back on later though.
I have some other stuff i have to do, I might be back on later though.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lip Ring
In about a month I am having my lip pierced for free. Finally, after 7 years of waiting, I'm actually going to do this. I am scared and excited and..... I don't know. I've been waiting for this for so long that it just, it feels weird finally about to get it done. But.... YAY!!!!!
Hey, a couple friends of mine are having problems and it's just, wish them luck for me okay!!!!!
Hey, a couple friends of mine are having problems and it's just, wish them luck for me okay!!!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Okay Switch, I Give up
Okay, so my cousin played this game and for about two weeks now I have just believed it to be the most retarded thing, but actually it's kind of amusing. So, you have to play it, and then I have another couple fun things for you to do. So, want to play a really boring and yet totally awesome game? Every day the same dream is for you. Okay, want to waste some time taking a really, really useless yet amusing test. Click Here. Want to get really, really messed up by the video games you play, then click here.
And finally, if you want to take a blink 182 quiz, that I made..... then Click here.
And finally, if you want to take a blink 182 quiz, that I made..... then Click here.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Angels and Airwaves new album was released 2 days early!!!!!! Listening to it now, it's amazing.
Free AVA Download
Here you go everybody, free amazing download link!!!!!
Free AVA Download
Here you go everybody, free amazing download link!!!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010

Sorry, I've been kind of wrapped up with this zombie blog thing. That's really all i've done lately, oh, and I read nightlight in a day. For all you twilight haters it's a must read. Just signing on to let you know, I'm not dead, or undead. Just working on some other stuff right now. I also finally starting reading Ellen Hopkins latest book, hopefully that will be done soon. Look at my new zombie avatar though on gaia.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Having a party today, I have a bunch to do. I need to finish cleaning and finish watching my zombie movie. So.... but that's okay. If i don't have time to watch one tonight I won't do anything else tomorrow, I mean I never do anything on sundays anyway. Going over to my other blog now.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Other Blog.
hey everybody, I have another blog now for a project I am working on. I'll still be blogging here but you should check out the other one too, it's about zombies.,
Great, so check that out. Bye!
Great, so check that out. Bye!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sorry about the upcoming rough patch.
I got some unfortunate news last night, I guess I don't really want to walk about it. I don't know why I brought it up then... other than to tell you I'm going to be okay. If my blogs seem.... different, it's just because I'm having sort of a rough patch, but it will get better. I'm trying hard to be optimistic at this point.
Hey, I finally got uncanny form. That's good, right? Saved like 32000 gold doing it too. I have no gold now. Let me tell you though, for the past three weeks I haven't really played video games excessively, that stops now. I miss gaming and I need to. For the gold.
Hope everybody is having a good weekend, I for one am not looking forward to school on Monday.
Hey, I finally got uncanny form. That's good, right? Saved like 32000 gold doing it too. I have no gold now. Let me tell you though, for the past three weeks I haven't really played video games excessively, that stops now. I miss gaming and I need to. For the gold.
Hope everybody is having a good weekend, I for one am not looking forward to school on Monday.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Okay, so I play ZOMG and I finally went to the old aqueduct. I LOVE IT THERE SO MUCH!!!!!!!
First, they have aliens.
Second, it has nothing to do with the animated
Third, there is a hill of geeks and alien believers, I am a geeky alien believer, I fit right in.
Fourth, On the hill they make obscure references, to star trek, men in black, and DOUGLAS ADAMS!!!! I TOLD YOU!!!! I FIT RIGHT IN!!!!!!!!!!
Fifth, ( this is the big one) One of the other alien enthusiasts ( an NPC ) his name is Tom!!!!! They almost have to have done that on purpose.
That makes me way to happy, but I don't even care.
Marble Hornets entry 23 is out, I now have their twitter updates sent to my phone, even though usually I am against that sort of thing, I hate twitter more than face book. But that's how much I love marble hornets. And Tom. Not like I have his updates sent to my phone too or anything.....
Anyway. Just thought you's all like an update on my newest gaming/tom obsession.
Also, I found out what a DM screen is, I don't really need one, and if I decide later that I do, I can make one, no problem. I am not spending 50 dollars on one though.
First, they have aliens.
Second, it has nothing to do with the animated
Third, there is a hill of geeks and alien believers, I am a geeky alien believer, I fit right in.
Fourth, On the hill they make obscure references, to star trek, men in black, and DOUGLAS ADAMS!!!! I TOLD YOU!!!! I FIT RIGHT IN!!!!!!!!!!
Fifth, ( this is the big one) One of the other alien enthusiasts ( an NPC ) his name is Tom!!!!! They almost have to have done that on purpose.
That makes me way to happy, but I don't even care.
Marble Hornets entry 23 is out, I now have their twitter updates sent to my phone, even though usually I am against that sort of thing, I hate twitter more than face book. But that's how much I love marble hornets. And Tom. Not like I have his updates sent to my phone too or anything.....
Anyway. Just thought you's all like an update on my newest gaming/tom obsession.
Also, I found out what a DM screen is, I don't really need one, and if I decide later that I do, I can make one, no problem. I am not spending 50 dollars on one though.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hi, everybody. I know I haven't been on as much, for which I really apologize. I do have something to tell you though, this has been a really weird week, let me tell you. So..... wow. Rily has a couple people that share this inside joke about leather pants, and I saw Buffy wearing some, I think as the slayer I should have some. Anyway, that wasn't what I was about to say.Lost my train of thought, But a lot of exciting stuff has happened this week, I quit my math class, that's always fun. I got to watch the Saw series over with a friend. There's a lot more I had to say but, I totally forgot like, all of it. My typing I think is improving a little bit though, so, yay! I have finished all my resolutions except for the whole album one, and typing out my zombie story, which I have to do yet, but we're only one month into the new year, so I have lot's of time.
I guess that's it, oh and everybody look at this. Rily made it, it's Reaper and he's adorable. Speaking of which, as soon as we can get everybody together and Rily gets rid of her bug ( she's been sick, wish her well ) I have all sorts of new D&D storylines,so that's really good for me.
I guess that's it, oh and everybody look at this. Rily made it, it's Reaper and he's adorable. Speaking of which, as soon as we can get everybody together and Rily gets rid of her bug ( she's been sick, wish her well ) I have all sorts of new D&D storylines,so that's really good for me.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sorry I haven't been on in a while you guys, I have been pretty busy not doing anything. I probably haven't told you this, but I always really wanted Kimya Dawson to sing this third eye blind song, and then she did and it sucked, a lot.
I found a book I really want to go with DMing, it's called Forgotten Ruins: Campaign guide, but it's like 40 dollars, plus it has it's own player handbook and that would be like another 30, even though it's only like ten pages. Grhh.
I also have a question for you, Switch, if you're reading this...... What the hell is a DM Screen? I found a set.... but I could not figure out like, what was in there? Does Christina know? Does Kory? What the hell is it? And why does it cost 50 dollars? And why can I not see what it is before I buy one? I'm a DM, do I need one? I'm ......
This is hard.
ONLY 9000 away from UNCANNY FORM!!!!!!!!!!
I'll get there as soon ZOMG stops glitching. Probably. Or rather, like and hour and a half after that.
Try to remember to get on here again..... Did you guys know that people still follow my myspace blog? I found that out, then I was sad because I haven't posted one since...... November? I.....
Anyway, on other news, I'll be leaving now. So bye.
I found a book I really want to go with DMing, it's called Forgotten Ruins: Campaign guide, but it's like 40 dollars, plus it has it's own player handbook and that would be like another 30, even though it's only like ten pages. Grhh.
I also have a question for you, Switch, if you're reading this...... What the hell is a DM Screen? I found a set.... but I could not figure out like, what was in there? Does Christina know? Does Kory? What the hell is it? And why does it cost 50 dollars? And why can I not see what it is before I buy one? I'm a DM, do I need one? I'm ......
This is hard.
ONLY 9000 away from UNCANNY FORM!!!!!!!!!!
I'll get there as soon ZOMG stops glitching. Probably. Or rather, like and hour and a half after that.
Try to remember to get on here again..... Did you guys know that people still follow my myspace blog? I found that out, then I was sad because I haven't posted one since...... November? I.....
Anyway, on other news, I'll be leaving now. So bye.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I found out today that I am a DM. Tomorrow . So that'll be fun, I'm really not as prepared for this as I would like to be. I would like to have a real board, and some miniatures and a story line even more than that. But I do have some ideas, I just need some settings.Probably tomorrow we'll just set everything up, but still. If we actually do get around to playing, I really would like to have a plan. Also Rily has finally agreed to play in the campaign..... certain adjustments had to be made of course..... and a few of them may be a little unconventional to put it mildly, but YAY!!!!
I found out something sad about myself, we always knew that I wrote too much, but this time it's a bit out of hand. I write more pages per year than Stephen King or Dean Koontz, and per month I already have gone over my average for January. GOD DAMN YOU FREE TIME!!!!!!! Anyway, now it looks like I'll be working on this instead.... although that will take some writing too so.......
Anyway. Be happy for my new campaign.
Hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend as much as I have been.
I found out something sad about myself, we always knew that I wrote too much, but this time it's a bit out of hand. I write more pages per year than Stephen King or Dean Koontz, and per month I already have gone over my average for January. GOD DAMN YOU FREE TIME!!!!!!! Anyway, now it looks like I'll be working on this instead.... although that will take some writing too so.......
Anyway. Be happy for my new campaign.
Hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend as much as I have been.
Friday, January 15, 2010
On ZOMG! I actually got friend requested by people today on gaia that met me in ZOMG! I can make friends online. I never get along with people, even online. I think it's because I'm finally in a better place in my life. Even virtually. I am on ZOMG right now on the airfluff server so if any of you want to hop on, feel free.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I finished watching Gacy, a movie I found for free on Netflix, it was pretty bad. But not as bad as some of the movies I've seen, recently. Not as good as wrong turn 3, that's for sure.
It was inspired by the life of notorious John Wayne Gacy and it was really really inacurate, except for the note about the lethal injection and a quote, that coincidentally was Gacy's last " Kiss My Ass."
So..... interesting.
I would like for you all to celebrate with me, I finally retrieved my list. It's missing a few months worth of movies but I would like to proudly announce that Gacy was roughly number 281. Looks like perfect witness will be 282. I have it all queued up and ready to go.
Thanks again everybody for reading, and not watching. Especially not watching things like Gacy. Hopefully I'll have a better movie to tell you about tomorrow, my cousin told me this one made her almost pee, so, cross your fingers.
It was inspired by the life of notorious John Wayne Gacy and it was really really inacurate, except for the note about the lethal injection and a quote, that coincidentally was Gacy's last " Kiss My Ass."
So..... interesting.
I would like for you all to celebrate with me, I finally retrieved my list. It's missing a few months worth of movies but I would like to proudly announce that Gacy was roughly number 281. Looks like perfect witness will be 282. I have it all queued up and ready to go.
Thanks again everybody for reading, and not watching. Especially not watching things like Gacy. Hopefully I'll have a better movie to tell you about tomorrow, my cousin told me this one made her almost pee, so, cross your fingers.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Boring ( and not the blink182 song )
Nothing really exciting happened today. Sorry, I know my goal was to allow people to live vicariously through my blog, but everybody has those boring days sometimes. I feel guilty, like I didn't do homework or something. I ate at Chipotle. They said I was the first person all day to order barbacoa tacos. Yay me. And I usually get the burrito, but I went a different direction today, it was delicious.
I'm sorry. I feel like I should go do something really awesome so I can post about it. I'm just, for once I'm really happy, I'm not at an unbalance or anything, I guess the only reason this blog was really exciting was because I was facing some kind of greater evil, or at least some sort of regular teenage drama. But I'm just happy for once. Happy and boring and I think that's a nice change for me.
I found out that Tamara is for free on Netflix, and also how good that movie really was. I recommend it, it was done by the people who did Final Destination, I think. It was really good, watch it, although if you get sick easy I would turn away when Roger starts addressing the whole school on camera, no spoilers from me here, but let's just say they used all of their special effects budget right there. Bleck.
Oh, I also am torturing some more of my characters, it's fun. Kind of sadistic, I admit, but fun nonetheless, it makes all the money I spend on notebooks worth it.
Speaking of which, I could use your help with something, what would you think if I put some of my twilight " Fan fiction " up? I mean, I already wrote it for a friend, I don't know what else to do with it and considering I hate Twilight, I think it's rather amusing. I also regret using the term fanfiction in regards to it. Something to consider though I think.
Well, I guess I'm gonna go, I have no Diablo 2 updates because I made a promise to someone very important to me that I'm going to take it easy on the gaming.
I hit 41000 gold though on Gaia, and wrote about Katsumi's Doll for my LA exam.
I guess I'm going to go for real this time. I'll watch a movie tonight or after school so I'll have a review if nothing else for tomorrow. Remember though....
I'm sorry. I feel like I should go do something really awesome so I can post about it. I'm just, for once I'm really happy, I'm not at an unbalance or anything, I guess the only reason this blog was really exciting was because I was facing some kind of greater evil, or at least some sort of regular teenage drama. But I'm just happy for once. Happy and boring and I think that's a nice change for me.
I found out that Tamara is for free on Netflix, and also how good that movie really was. I recommend it, it was done by the people who did Final Destination, I think. It was really good, watch it, although if you get sick easy I would turn away when Roger starts addressing the whole school on camera, no spoilers from me here, but let's just say they used all of their special effects budget right there. Bleck.
Oh, I also am torturing some more of my characters, it's fun. Kind of sadistic, I admit, but fun nonetheless, it makes all the money I spend on notebooks worth it.
Speaking of which, I could use your help with something, what would you think if I put some of my twilight " Fan fiction " up? I mean, I already wrote it for a friend, I don't know what else to do with it and considering I hate Twilight, I think it's rather amusing. I also regret using the term fanfiction in regards to it. Something to consider though I think.
Well, I guess I'm gonna go, I have no Diablo 2 updates because I made a promise to someone very important to me that I'm going to take it easy on the gaming.
I hit 41000 gold though on Gaia, and wrote about Katsumi's Doll for my LA exam.
I guess I'm going to go for real this time. I'll watch a movie tonight or after school so I'll have a review if nothing else for tomorrow. Remember though....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Green Grass and High Tides
I BEAT GREEN GRASS AND HIGH TIDES ON HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twice.
Hahahahahaha. If I could get just a little bit more consistent, that'll knock out another New Years resolution for me. Yay me.
I have other stuff to do, because I have other things to do that, but then I can maybe come back if anything exciting happens.
Hahahahahaha. If I could get just a little bit more consistent, that'll knock out another New Years resolution for me. Yay me.
I have other stuff to do, because I have other things to do that, but then I can maybe come back if anything exciting happens.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Wrong Turn 3 review and updates
So I just finished watching Wrong Turn 3 which finally came in from Netflix. It was still a million times better than the first one but not as good as 2. The traps are getting more inventive, and somebody actually took a wrong turn in this movie ( it's about time, considering the title and all, ) but it was still nowhere near as good as the second. They did a whole escaped convict thing...... and then they killed the black guy. Better than I was expecting though.
I also got a new copy of Cube, which I'm excited to see again. I used to watch it all the time but since I lost my copy I haven't seen it in about two years. I'll probably watch that later.
I have decided to cut down some on the gaming, no more one act a day for me, ( fun though that was) but I thought I would let you guys know how the progress is going on my new characters anyway. I have one of each class made and ready to go.... but I thought you would like to know that in addition to beating the first two missions on nightmare with Slayer Tibby ( catchy, I expect you all to call me that from now on ) I also have started playing one of my new Sorceress characters, Tabatha, and I don't remember how many missions I beat, ( either 4 or 5 ) but I know I am a level 11. I'm playing this one slowly so that I have time to level properly, ( unlike with some characters....... )I also started playing my first Necromancer character, he's a level 5 now I believe, I named him Vork.
So far I think that assassins are still my favorite class, and sorceress comes second. I don't think I really enjoy playing a necromancer as much as I thought I would, although it does have it perks.
As for my Rock Band resolution, I would like you all to know that yesterday I played Master Exploder on Hard with an 80 percent and that I can survive every song on hard with the exception of Snow by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Grass and high Tides ( I just give up halfway through, it's too long ). I might be playing solidly on Expert by the end of the new year. Ican not however, play on lefty mode, it could be because I'm not left handed.
Thought you would all like the update, and the quick movie review, I know that my movie review blogs are usually longer but, there just wasn't that much to say about wrong turn 3.
Check in later this weekend, hopefully Children of the Corn will have made it in by then and I can tell you how awful the remake was. Coming up next month I'll also have reviews for my Bloody Valentine, ( I know it's been out a year, but I guess I'm just behind ) and Gingerdead man 2: Passion of the crust. Don't you I wish I had full control over netflix? I think I'm going to start petitioning this, right after i finish my " Get Better Music In Fast Food Restaurants " petition.
Thank you all for reading, and I would like to note that this blog took me three minutes to type as opposed to 7. I think I'll be making that resolution too.
Thanks again everybody,
Vork ( level 5 )
I also got a new copy of Cube, which I'm excited to see again. I used to watch it all the time but since I lost my copy I haven't seen it in about two years. I'll probably watch that later.
I have decided to cut down some on the gaming, no more one act a day for me, ( fun though that was) but I thought I would let you guys know how the progress is going on my new characters anyway. I have one of each class made and ready to go.... but I thought you would like to know that in addition to beating the first two missions on nightmare with Slayer Tibby ( catchy, I expect you all to call me that from now on ) I also have started playing one of my new Sorceress characters, Tabatha, and I don't remember how many missions I beat, ( either 4 or 5 ) but I know I am a level 11. I'm playing this one slowly so that I have time to level properly, ( unlike with some characters....... )I also started playing my first Necromancer character, he's a level 5 now I believe, I named him Vork.
So far I think that assassins are still my favorite class, and sorceress comes second. I don't think I really enjoy playing a necromancer as much as I thought I would, although it does have it perks.
As for my Rock Band resolution, I would like you all to know that yesterday I played Master Exploder on Hard with an 80 percent and that I can survive every song on hard with the exception of Snow by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Grass and high Tides ( I just give up halfway through, it's too long ). I might be playing solidly on Expert by the end of the new year. Ican not however, play on lefty mode, it could be because I'm not left handed.
Thought you would all like the update, and the quick movie review, I know that my movie review blogs are usually longer but, there just wasn't that much to say about wrong turn 3.
Check in later this weekend, hopefully Children of the Corn will have made it in by then and I can tell you how awful the remake was. Coming up next month I'll also have reviews for my Bloody Valentine, ( I know it's been out a year, but I guess I'm just behind ) and Gingerdead man 2: Passion of the crust. Don't you I wish I had full control over netflix? I think I'm going to start petitioning this, right after i finish my " Get Better Music In Fast Food Restaurants " petition.
Thank you all for reading, and I would like to note that this blog took me three minutes to type as opposed to 7. I think I'll be making that resolution too.
Thanks again everybody,
Vork ( level 5 )
Friday, January 8, 2010
Guess what else?
Today, as well as being a snow day today is also David Bowie's Birthday. I had to put this in a different blog because I didn't know this morning, in with posting blogs more regularly I might have to put more than one up a day because from now on, everytime something exciting happens in my life you will be the first to know. It will go along with the typing faster thing as well, I hope.
So everybody pull out their copies of Ziggy Stardust and listen because it's only David Bowie's Birthday once a year.
I am still toying with the idea of a video blog, so there's that. Also, not to steal too many ideas from Joss Whedon, but I think sing along blog would be cool, I would love writing music for my blog but singing and posting that online...... maybe I'll pay other people to star in my video blogs, I'll be the writer/ director of my blogs.... nvm.
Anyway, so there are a few things that I would like to bring up, first of all, I think the coolest super power ever would be the ability to have flashback projection coming out of my eyes. Also, I think I am developing electrokinesis ( which is the ability to play video games with my mind) I was playing Sonic and the Secret rings with my mind at Rily's and since then I have..... blown up a bunch of shaman and tricked my character into thinking she had an ability she didn't really, ( which was really cool until I had to pick a new skill and... ANYWAY!!
So I hope you all have fun with your day off, I'll probably talk to a few of you later.
Bye bye,
Tabitha ( which is the name of one of my new characters. )
So everybody pull out their copies of Ziggy Stardust and listen because it's only David Bowie's Birthday once a year.
I am still toying with the idea of a video blog, so there's that. Also, not to steal too many ideas from Joss Whedon, but I think sing along blog would be cool, I would love writing music for my blog but singing and posting that online...... maybe I'll pay other people to star in my video blogs, I'll be the writer/ director of my blogs.... nvm.
Anyway, so there are a few things that I would like to bring up, first of all, I think the coolest super power ever would be the ability to have flashback projection coming out of my eyes. Also, I think I am developing electrokinesis ( which is the ability to play video games with my mind) I was playing Sonic and the Secret rings with my mind at Rily's and since then I have..... blown up a bunch of shaman and tricked my character into thinking she had an ability she didn't really, ( which was really cool until I had to pick a new skill and... ANYWAY!!
So I hope you all have fun with your day off, I'll probably talk to a few of you later.
Bye bye,
Tabitha ( which is the name of one of my new characters. )
Snow Day
Hey everybody, I have a snow day today. I know that this sounds really weird, ( especially coming from me ) but I think that I actually would rather have had school today because now I have to deal with the exam schedule conflict on Monday. It is going to be a huge mess. But on the bright side I now have an extra day to work on my resolutions, which I have been making real progress on, even the ones that are not related to Diablo 2. Okay, so I haven't made much progress on typing out the one book or anything, but I have worked on my Zombie story. I got a disc that is supposed to help me type faster after I practice with it a couple times, so yay! Today though is going to be another game day for me. Even though I beat the secret cow level, I would like to try Diablo 2 on a couple more classes, maybe even try the next difficulty. I also have two more gaming resolutions that I think I could work on today ( that I started already on a little bit ) I wanted to hit a cl of 7 on ZOMG ( I'm still on 5.7 but I have 50 charge orbs ) and Play rockband on hard ( I know I said hard but I feel ambitious, I might aim for expert.) I feel like I am ready to knock some more stuff out of the way today. Beating Diablo 2 has put me in a really good mood.
I also want to start a battlenet character and play with Rily but we have to find time to work that around both our schedules, which we shall talk about, EVENTUALLY!
Speaking of Rily, I would really like to talk to you. I'm going to go get my phone off the charger right now and I'll try to remember to keep it with me all day.
But serioussly you guys, Diablo 2 is worth beating just for the cow level, so..... play it.
I also want to start a battlenet character and play with Rily but we have to find time to work that around both our schedules, which we shall talk about, EVENTUALLY!
Speaking of Rily, I would really like to talk to you. I'm going to go get my phone off the charger right now and I'll try to remember to keep it with me all day.
But serioussly you guys, Diablo 2 is worth beating just for the cow level, so..... play it.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Diablo 2
I beat Diablo 2 today!!!!!!! And Rily didn't think I could finish act 5 today.......
So... YAY!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do now...... I guess I could play on the next difficulty ( after the cow level of course, ) but I don't know. I do want to try some other classes but I don't know where that falls on my list of priorities or even which class I want to try next, but I did it!!!! I beat Diablo 2, and that was the hardest resolution I had, so HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Anyway, Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, but I have been putting in a lot more gaming hours lately ( Obviously, I beat Diablo 2 in a week around school, so.....)
Anyway,I'll try to be on more regularly but I have a cow level to find and it's four past eleven, so.....
All the best...
Slayer Tibby ( which is what they call my character now she's defeated Baal. )
So... YAY!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do now...... I guess I could play on the next difficulty ( after the cow level of course, ) but I don't know. I do want to try some other classes but I don't know where that falls on my list of priorities or even which class I want to try next, but I did it!!!! I beat Diablo 2, and that was the hardest resolution I had, so HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Anyway, Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, but I have been putting in a lot more gaming hours lately ( Obviously, I beat Diablo 2 in a week around school, so.....)
Anyway,I'll try to be on more regularly but I have a cow level to find and it's four past eleven, so.....
All the best...
Slayer Tibby ( which is what they call my character now she's defeated Baal. )
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